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The normal person isn’t rich. If the top two percent have more than 50 percent of the assets, by the time you get to the 50th percent person, in our case, they’re probably making around if not less than $100,000 a year. What’s wrong with that for them?  What’s wrong with choosing to adhere to what’s widely accepted as our improvements on the status quo that we’ve inherited from our parents, grandparents and ancestors? I’ll tell you what is. In the last 25 years, something that never happened since the dawn of time occurred wen the internet was developed. Every human that came before us had a different species level of knowledgeability accessible to them from the humans that came before them to what we have at our fingertips right now. We know how to do things way better now, and everybody can be rich and add to our collective economies’ productivity. Getting rich isn’t something that happens to thee fortunate: it’s something that happens to the intentional. Financial literacy: how to categorize your income into savings that go towards your treasure and discretionary income (which includes anything unrelated to your treasure, including, for example: a life insurance policy), and active investing around products that you use in your everyday life and business ABCs. Once you understand it, you understand how simple and obviously right way of treating your income it’s hard to imagine having just floated by and not been doing these things before. To be “normal” is also to be unpresent. These Fortune 500 companies do a lot of very wacky things and none of their employees speak up about it. It’s as if people aren’t the conduit of these organizations, they’re so win lose structured and synergy killing. To live in these environments and not notice these obvious absurdities is be deeply unpresent, deeply oblivious, and to be deeply hurting shareholders and the broader collective economy. Being content with being “normal” is a disservice to yourself by not caring about consciously trying to better the circumstances of your life, demonstrating a complete obliviousness to context that you find yourself in with the development of the internet and history, implicitly accepting deeply misogynistic and antipathetic social norms by not being present and being scared to be authentic and tell people how you really feel about things, and hurts the collective economy. The internet is a technology that almost made us a new species in what it did for our collective intellect. Everybody can be rich now and it’s never been easier to master control of ourselves and intentionally chose to do habits in perpetuity, like reading good books for three hours everyday, doing yoga every day, cardio for 30 minutes every day, sometimes doing other more vigorous forms of workout, and doing some research about the food you eat. If you have a 9-5 job a lot of those might be very hard to imagine yourself doing, but in the course of understanding financial literacy and applying it to your own life—and especially, especially if you learn active investments and business basics, very quickly you start earning more investment income than from your 9-5. There is not “nothing wrong with being normal”. In fact there is a lot wrong with it. Don’t be “normal”. Be exceptional, intentional, stand up for your own interests, and have a wild love life with your spouse where you spend a lot of money on incredible experiences together and savour every second of life together.

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