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Our governments have been saying that we’re in a ‘pandemic’ for more than two years now, and for around a year a half of those two years, has been launching an aggressive marketing campaign trying to convince us to take doses of the ‘COVID vaccines.’

Not only have they been spending our tax dollars to do that, and to buy the vaccines to address a problem completely imperceptible anywhere except for in their zero-integrity data.

From a medical standpoint those vaccines don’t even actually have any benefits, and are essentially a human experiment to determine what the negative effects are.

Those who have been aggressively asking us to take doses of it—our Governments, Facebook, The World Health Organization, who’ve been saying we’ve been in a pandemic with a disease that has less than a 20 day life cycle, again, for more than two years now, are clearly attempting to commit a coup.

When Donald Trump was President of the United States and their government declared  there was a ‘pandemic’ in a joint announcement with the Chinese government, his administration started skipping judicial review to enact ‘COVID laws’ that were and are very obviously Unconstitutional, and shortly after, Justin Trudeau started doing the same thing in Canada, to make the first step in an attempt to ‘short circuit our legal systems, nullify our constitutions, and invade our countries through through The United Nations’.

All of the media outlets have been reporting on ‘COVID numbers’ and have been refusing to acknowledge all of these clear and undeniable facts have been, and are actively, trying to gaslight us.

Get all of your news from conservative.to, and tell everybody you know to, too, to make you and them immune to equip yourself to deal with all of the gaslighting and the psychological warfare!

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