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A beautiful woman has a boyfriend who doesn’t know how to treat her right.

One day she decides to gently confronts him about it, and he doesn’t listen at all, gets defensive, and threatens to leave her.

That night, she goes out to a bar with two of her friends, and they have some drinks.

A few hours go by and the bar is going to close soon …one of her friends suggests they leave, and she tells them to go ahead and that she’s going to stay back to have one more drink on her own.

Her friends leave, and she orders another drink which she slowly sips on while she has a bit of an existential crisis.

A few minutes go by, and a dude of whom she hadn’t noticed up to this point approaches and strikes up a moderately engaging conversation with her.

In the back of her mind she thinks to herself: “he seems nervous.” But she’s focused on how much of a bitchass nigga her boyfriend is.

The bar’s closing soon, and she’s feeling horny AS FUCK.

She invites this dude to have a drink over at her place.

He accepts her invitation.

They get to her place and she leads him straight to her bedroom, and they start kissing, both take off all their clothes, and get into position for missionary sex.


He slides his penis into her vagina once, slides it out, and then abruptly stops, giddily gets off the bed, puts all of his clothes back on, and then leaves to go meet up with his friends and tell them about the night he had.

She is literally having homicidal thoughts, but ultimately decides against murdering him on his way out, masterbates, and then goes to bed.

She wakes up feeling like a complete slut and very ashamed of her sexuality.

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