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For thousands of years philosophers have wrestled with the question “what is the purpose of our species?” And faced with the limits of the scientific and technological advancements of their days, and the traumatic certainty that they, and everyone they cared about would inevitably die, and in a lot of cases that their bodies would deteriorate in horrifically cruel, torturous ways …and then their actually experiencing it happening, it’s hard to blame them for thinking “what the hell is the point of all of this!?” Today the general consensus is that there is no generic purpose of our species, and that the purpose of your life is whatever you make of it. That general consensus is wrong. There is indeed a generic purpose of our species, and in this article I’m going to tell you what it is.

Can life be better than eating chocolate 24/7 with no adverse health consequences?

What is the most logical way for us to go about living our lives? The pursuit of maximum pleasure. The general consensus is that happiness and pleasure are not something that can be experienced in every moment. Again …the general consensus is wrong. Just because you have counted a thousand white swans does not mean that the thousand and first isn’t going to be a black swan; just because you have never experienced something before, doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist. So how can you experience happiness and pleasure in every moment …more so than eating chocolate 24/7 with no adverse health consequences?; What is the purpose of our species? The answer is true love.

What most people get wrong about love

What most people don’t realize is that there is a minimum threshold of collective emotional intelligence required among the two members that comprise a couple for true love. What some people do get right, is that “you need to love yourself before you can love someone else.” The truth is actually one step further though (and keep in mind we’re talking about true love here the likes of which exudes incomparably more pleasure than eating chocolate 24/7 with no averse health consequences …or doing heroine 24/7 with none, and not to just generally enjoy each other’s company and get some minute dopamine releases): before you can pursue true love, a necessary prerequisite is that you or your partner must have already achieved self-actualization.

(Afterward) What most men get wrong about womens’ orgasms

Most men focus on themselves and their orgasm in sexual intercourse. Ironically this makes them unable to please their female sexual partners, which makes their own orgasms unenjoyable—and which perpetuates their paradigm of sexual conquest. What everyone needs to understand is that male sexual pleasure is derived directly in proportion to how well we as men sexually satisfy our female sexual partners; Focus on her to focus on yourself.

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